November 29, 2010

Homemade Hair Clip

Well not quite all the way homemade but have you ever heard that one woman's trash is another woman's treasure? In this particular case it was my trash and my treasure. While cleaning out one of our guest rooms that was still a holding ground for a bunch of our belongings from our move, I found a couple of jewelry boxes that had been stored away. In those boxes I came across some jewelry that I no longer wore, more specifically necklaces. The problem with these necklaces is that the silver rings that held the charms were now rather tarnished. So, my natural reaction was to throw them away! Or should I say, the old me's natural reaction, the Tatum prior to blogland's natural reaction.

I am a rather creative person, but mainly in the writing, clever gifting arena. However I am also the child of a rather creative mother, one who sews, crochet's, reupholsters, cans, gardens etc. After venturing out into blogland I've been even further inspired to see things a bit differently than I have before. I can now look at something that I would have never looked twice at and find a way to make it useful. So, back to my old jewelry.

The necklaces that I have been referring to looked similar to this:

And you can see here the noted two parts, only again, this is an example. The necklaces that I've been referring to had tarnished silver rings:

Here are photo's of the charms from the two necklaces:

A beautiful butterfly

And a beautiful flower
 It just seemed so wrong that these lovely pieces of jewelry would go into the trash just because their cheap tarnished counterparts were kaput.

With that being said, there is another crucial element in this little story. It's a simple silver hair clip. One like this:

I came across a pack of silver clips that almost went right into my bathroom drawer until the creative bug hit me. I said to myself...hey self...I wonder... and just like that!

The aha moment was being executed. I simply added the superglue to the back of the butterfly and then put the clip on top:

 and then... drum roll please!!

Isn't it super adorable!! Here is the other:

I must say, I am rather proud of myself. How do you think it looks?

My name is Tatum and I approve this message ( clip):

And even though I don't have a photo with the butterfly. Trust me, it's just as cute :-) I've received several compliments already!!


I'm also linking to Motivate Me Mondays at Keeping It Simple 
and My Re-Purposed Life

November 23, 2010

Give Thanks!

With fall among us and Thanksgiving just 2 days away I thought I'd post a few photos of how I made our home feel a bit festive in the midst of some of the craziness of unfinished projects. A few weeks ago Chris and I went to the store and purchased some very inexpensive items that were orange, red, brown, yellow and green!

Those two boxes of fun that only costs $6.00 each, along with these leafy wonders that cost $1.50 each:

Gave me quite a bit to work with. So after grabbing these:

In order to do this over and over again to cut the wires:

 I was finally able to run around my house and find some vases in order to create these beauties:

And each had it's own special location. The large one in the center went on the kitchen island, the skinny vase to the left went on the television stand, the vase to the right  went in the center of the dining room table:

And the platter went onto the foyer table:

And the remaining leaves were put into my wicker floor vase where they fit snuggly with the other leafy things that I had:

I even added the brown ribbon from the vase filler boxes!
And to add in a little more ambiance, I burned some yummy pumpkin candles in my lovely sconces!

So there you have it. My attempt at bringing the Thanksgiving holiday to life in our home. You can do it too!!! Hope you enjoyed it!


By the way, I'm linking to the Thanksgiving Party over at All Thingz Related!

November 16, 2010

Tall Wall, Very Tall Wall

Remember when we first put some decor in our living room, causing me great satisfaction?

Well I don't think I mentioned it then but this particular wall is 10 feet tall. Pretty high huh? Well that was just the far side of one wall. Starting there, our wall begins to vault, up to about 20 feet:

This wall, presently looking rather blank is a rather tall order in our book. What to do what to do. Maybe we should fill the space with a large clock:

Now that is a ginormous clock. It's bigger than the TV stand (which is another cluttered eyesore that I must rectify). Do they actually make clocks this large? Or is this a shoddy attempt at photoshop on my end lol?

O.k. so much for the clock. How about some artwork:

Now this is rather pretty. Lets see how it would look on the tall wall:

Much better than the clock don't you think? However it still doesn't quite do it for me. And this photo is only showing a section of the wall. Remember, the vault started at 10 feet so there is quite a bit of space to the right that is not captured on this photo. I think we need to fill the space a bit more. How about some snazzy frames! Frames that look a little like this:

Only minus the random strangers in it, and times 9

Ahh I'm liking this much better. Thoughts? And I now admit, that I am a photoshop novice as clearly noticeable in the equally flawed 9 frames. But hey, practice makes perfect right?


I'm also linking to Make It 4 Monday at Cottage Instincts! And Inspiration Friday at Southern In My Heart

November 9, 2010

Hillside Green

Remember our red kitchen? 
This very RED kitchen that I talked about here. Well, it's still going through transitions. After priming the kitchen white to wash away the ugly as seen here:

And after a failed green paint attempt, as mentioned here.

We finally discovered our perfect kitchen color. Hillside Green by Benjamin Moore. As seen here:

Definitely more subtle than that first bright green. This is the green that we were looking for!! Until we lived with it for a week or so and forgot about this:

Our kitchen has one tiny window that lets in exactly zero light.  Not good. We soon realized that if the sun is not out in full blast, our kitchen looks quite dark and rather unwelcoming. Though you cannot tell by looking at the photo, trust me it's not a place that you'd want to hang out. Guess it's time to pull out the trusty paint fan again.

Oh why does there have to be so many colors to choose from!!!? Clearly Benjamin (Moore) and Sherwin (Williams) have absolutely no idea how hard they're making my life.

O'well, time to try again. I'm sure we'll get it right next time.


November 4, 2010

A Case Of The Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays!!

I can totally handle Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays!

Recognize this:

How about this:
Or maybe I should just get to the point. 
This is the best movie ever. And for those not familiar with it. Congratulations, I envy you.

We even have a machine (a printer...NEW printer mind  you) that makes us want to do this:

because it breaks every single day.

 Most days I feel exactly how he looks:

So until I win this:

Or get a visit from these guys:

I will have to:
But hey:



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