February 20, 2013

Emerson Gray 0-1 Month

For prior posts click here. The day we drove home from the hospital was a beautiful summer day. It was so surreal having a tiny baby in the back seat. When we got home we drove straight into the garage and started our new normal.

Zero to month one with little Emerson was great! Chris did a lot of the work since I was recovering from having her. He changed a zillion diapers, cooked, cleaned, did laundry, etc. None of this was new to him except the diaper part, he always helps around the house. Emerson slept well and we had to wake her to feed. I initially thought that she would be up crying all night because people would say, prepare to get no sleep, but she hardly cried. The three of us honestly fell into a perfect little routine. Often we would just lay and watch her because it was so surreal that she was ours and we were just that lucky and blessed.

From the beginning she was an active little girl. We kind of expected this based on the comments from the doctors while she was in the belly. She lifted her head her first day on Earth! To the surprise of the nurse. In her first week she tried to walk up our bellies when we were holding her. She made funny squealing and grunt sounds often while she slept, she was literally the noisiest baby ever, it was hilarious. She made all types of funny faces as well.

 There were so many little things that happened leading up to her first month it was just so fun to experience.

So there you have it, photos leading up to month 1. From this point forward I am only going to post high points and milestones (well to us they are all high points) for three reasons 1.)  I OBVIOUSLY can't keep up with this blog and our daughter is aging rapidly! 2.) I cannot find the time to work on little photo collages 3.) Other than family, people don't care THAT much about other peoples babies. She may be the world to us, but to my loyal followers...well the ones that are still hanging out there since I suck at blogging lately, I'm sure they couldn't care less about all of the details.



  1. Such a beautiful family! Congrats to you, Tatum!

  2. Hi Tatum! I can not believe that your beautiful daughter was born on August 8! OMG - Yes, you will have to do a photo journal to catch me up.


    I love the name you and your husband chose for her. Is she still as active as you described her during her first days?

    I hope it won't take me 8 months to check in again. I guess motherhood makes me lose track of time, too. :)

    I've very happy for you.
