July 19, 2012

35 Weeks Pregnant!

For prior weeks click here! Week 35 has been pretty much the same. There has not been anything super noteworthy other than the fact that our little one is still healthy and growing like she should!

We've been pretty much basking in our blessings and all of the left over decor from the shower. In addition to that we've had the fun experience of washing all of our daughters new clothes! We even received two totes full from our dear friend Karissa who has a beautiful little girl.

We have  yet to finish the closet in the nursery or paint the dresser. We really need to expedite all of this so that we have a place to put all of the clothes and additional baby items. Right now they are simply organized by size laying on the bed in our guest room. Thank goodness we don't have any guests right now!

Oh, one thing that I wanted to mention is that my pregnant buddy Makiva from this post who was 2 weeks ahead of me, had her baby!! She was due to be induced at 38 weeks but ended up having to have an earlier delivery at 36 and it just so happened to take place the day before my shower! I have to tell ya, getting the photo of baby Elijah Mason and the announcement that he was here really made things real for Chris and I. We were like oh my!! We are next! I mean we knew we would be next but it just heightened our anticipation so much. Little Elijah is beautiful and healthy! They really wanted a boy and since they chose to not find out until delivery, it was a much celebrated and blessed moment.

At 35 weeks, our little girl is the size of a coconut, weighing somewhere between 4.2 and 5.8 pounds. She is still right on track and we are even more so super excited for her impending delivery. 5 weeks to go!

Sickness: Nope
Cravings: Nope
Weird Dreams: Nope
Emotional: Nope
Movement: Never Ending
Can I still button my pants: Negative!
Maternity clothes needed: Still wearing size large in some shirts
Energy Level: Balanced. I'm still working on home things, but I'm not running marathons
Swelling anywhere: None, still just my belly
Notable weight gain: Up to 158
New symptoms: Nothing new


  1. Wow Ok I have been gone way too long !!! You are lookin like a mommy for sure now!! Stay cool!

  2. I remember telling you about the "rubberband fastener." Well, I see from the pics that you don't need it. Pants are much lower now, which makes the zippers shorter. You don't have all that fabric flapping over. :)
