June 16, 2012

29, 30 & 31 Weeks Pregnant!

Week 29
In week 29 Chris and I along with his cousin Monte and his wife Makiva all went to see What To Expect When Expecting! We thought seeing a pregnancy comedy together would be fun. Now we had a great time together but the movie was a solid C. Save your money.
 What was crazier was that out of the two names that Chris and I are deciding on for our daughter, one was mentioned in the movie!! We could not believe it. We took it as a sign that that must be the name we should choose. The flip side of that is that now we wouldn't be surprised if suddenly a bunch of other people chose that name just because they heard it in the movie. O'well I guess. We're not taking if off of our list just because the movie put it on blast, we still like it.
We are now at the point of bi-weekly prenatal appointments. At week 29 my belly size was 29cm, my weight was up to 150.6 and the fetal heart rate was 156 bpm.

Week 30

10 weeks to go!!!
 In week 30 we interviewed pediatrician #2. This was a great experience! We loved everything about the office, the staff and the doctor. I of course had my long list of questions and she answered everyone with flying colors, often before I even asked. This week we also interviewed a daycare, that was certainly a pleasant experience. Seeing all of the little babies and kids did nothing but enhance our excitement. We are not 100% certain as to whether we are going to be using a daycare or not, but we'll figure it out.
This little girl really has the Braxton Hicks happening this week and I'm ashamed to say...though I am all woman and caring this beautiful baby I have been having bouts with a not so lady problem...gas. Not often, but not cool none the less. I'm embarrassed to even type this, and I'm certain that I just became less attractive in someones eyes, but in the effort of full disclosure...there it is.

Week 31

In week 31 baby is still doing great! Her heart rate was 150 bpm, my belly size was 32 cm, and my weight was up to 155.2! I can't tell you how much Chris and I enjoy going to these appointments. Depending on how the morning goes we will either go to breakfast before the appointment or to lunch after the appointment. Every time we hear her heartbeat it's like we are hearing it for the first time. And if I haven't said it before, our doctor, Thomas Harmon is fabulous!!  We also did a second maternity tour at another hospital. Though we are registered at one already, we were taking the other under consideration just as well. To round out this week I purchase some larger shirts! That's right, my wardrobe is beginning to get slimmer literally. So, I purchased some size large shirts! Cute ones.
Sickness: Nope
Cravings: Nope
Weird Dreams: Nope
Emotional: Nope
Movement: This child does not sleep!! All she does is move
Can I still button my pants: One pair
Maternity clothes needed: Not yet, but purchased some size large shirts
Energy Level: Still got it
Swelling anywhere: Not yet
Notable weight gain: 22 pounds gained overall.  If only I could gain something in my backside!! But belly and breasts it is :-)
New symptoms: Still peeing a lot more. My back hurts occasionally also.


  1. Still cute as a button!!! If you want to see a REALLY REALLY GREAT and FUNNY Baby movie. Watch "Father of the Bride 2". with Steve Martin. You will DROOOOL over the nursery! It was GORGEOUS! My Hubby and I couldn't agree on a name for our youngest son(the third son), AND we were in a movie and the star was "SEAN". I leaned over to him and said "That a great name"! SO, Sean it was!!! See what movies can do...
    When is your due date?
    Have a FUN week,
    Big Hugs,

  2. Aw, I love these updates!! You look incredible.

  3. I love that you are still not wearing maternity clothing -- nice work! :) :) You look adorable!
