April 8, 2012

15 & 16 Weeks Pregnant!

Week 15! Happy Valentines Day!! Isn’t that board the cutest? I was so tickled when I got home that evening to see the board that my husband drew with a little baby inside the heart! Quite fitting and super adorable!

The headaches that I felt from week 14 had gone away. All was still going well but according to some websites I should be going through some major unsightly things such as nosebleeds, stomach issues and swollen gums…NOT CUTE! Fortunately none of those things happened to me. I did write another lullaby for the little one! It’s called Little Baby Cupcake, even though it’s still a bit early for the little one to hear me, I sing it to the baby every now and again as I’m going through my day.

Other than the headaches going away and the song, there hasn’t been much that is notable. It’s funny how people always ask me how I’m feeling, like I’ve been ill or something. My response is typically “I’m fine and you?” I think I throw them off a bit. I have to wonder what they expect me to say. I mean, I feel normal, I’m just pregnant. Maybe I’m not having the correct pregnancy feelings, but I wouldn’t know, this is my first after all.
Yep, still the same belly shot. Not a lot of visible change
Week 16, Progress!

I could not wait to get to this week, mainly because I read that this would be the earliest that I could feel the baby. However I read that it could be anywhere between 16-20 weeks and that first time mothers may not notice it. It had been a month since our last appointment and Chris and I were eager for our next appointment to hear the heartbeat again and to know that all was still well. It just so happens the day before our appointment the little one decides to make him/her self known! I felt the first butterfly flutters followed by what felt like several little taps. I knew it was the baby immediately! It reminded me of what I read exactly, like bubbles popping or popcorn popping. I was PSYCHED! I called Chris right away, he too was excited. It just made our anticipation for our next appointment all the more enjoyable! As for my belly:
It literally popped out overnight!! I guess it too was waiting for the little one to make him/her self known to show us some visual progress. Now that I’m showing more, it’s a lot more fun!

Sickness: Nope
Cravings: Nope
Weird Dreams: Nope
Emotional: Nope
Movement: We Have Lift Off YAY!!
Can I still button my pants: Yep
Maternity clothes needed: Not yet
Energy Level: Still shuckin and jiving!

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